Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Love Hate Relationship with ACV

Apple Cider Vinegar

     Do you drink Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) daily? If not, you should try it. I know it is completely nasty and shouldn’t be taken without water added or another form of liquid but the more potent the better to me. I love the energy it gives me and to be honest, the taste is the only thing that I hate about it. Guess that’s why they created the saying “No Pain, No Gain”. I only drink it as soon as I wake up one time a day and use the pill with my dinner. I feel the difference in my energy and appetite every time. I purchased the ACV 1500 mg of the pill on Amazon and started taking it 2 times a day at first and seen the same difference as when I was drinking it. Walmart provides the sales the pill also but it only has 450 mg. Many websites would say that the pill isn’t as effective but I beg to differ. I use the pill and have received the same results without the acid eating away at my enamel or having to fight the disgusting taste of the drink.

     No one really knows how ACV works but there are many testimonies and details of how people have loss weight in less than 30 days since the invention of the cocktail. Apparently, the drink suppresses appetites, increase metabolic rates, reduce water weight, and increase our well-being. Although it has been used for more than just weight loss (like hair conditioner/acne, warts, and skin blemish removal), it gained its popularity from creating weight loss and flat stomachs.

     We must remember that weight loss doesn’t appear overnight but if we continue the process, the weight loss would be permanent. It is not a quick process so if you are looking for a 1- or 2-day fix to your weight loss issues, this is not the product for you. Niall (2018), recommends that we only consume 4 ounces of ACV a day. She also suggests that as soon as we wake up and before dinner are the 2 best times to drink ACV. It is under $5 at almost any grocery store and although there are store brands of the liquid, I recommend comparing the contents and nutrition facts with the Bragg brand.

In fact, in my opinion, the best brand of ACV is the Bragg brand because it is all natural and use organic apples. Although it is natural, there are many cons to this product which include damage of enamel, decrease in potassium and lower glucose in blood, as well as causing confusion and dizziness for people that use other medications with it. If you are diabetic or taking medication, please contact your doctor to see if you are authorized to drink this solution.

Do you drink a cocktail that contain ACV? If not, do you plan on trying it? If you already drink it, what do it taste like and what is the recipe you use? Reply to this post and share your thoughts.


Niall, A. (2018). The Pros and Cons of Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss. Retrieved from         

Pischner, S. (2019). Student from Cornell University Cuts 37lbs On University Budget!                               Retrieved from              

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Runners Shoes Are Priceless


   Okay. So, I purchased my first pair of expensive ($180) running shoes about four months ago give or take from a store called Needless to say, but It was the best investment that I have made towards a better me besides devoting to a running lifestyle. I have always had shin splints and stress fractures since I could remember and thought that maybe these shoes could help ease the pain. I had seen many people run in these ugly shoes and thought why are they running in those heavy looking shoes? Well one day, I asked a lady standing next to me as we waited for the gun to start the race, “how did she like those shoes?” She said, “Oh, I love them”. I said, “they look heavy” and she laughed. She said I know but they are light as a feather. Months past before I went into the recommended store and tried on my first pair. They ran out of the color I wanted but had my size in the next best color. After I tried them on, I was shocked at how light they were. I didn’t want to take them off. It felt like I was walking on air.

     The shoes I am referring to are called HokaOneOne and are all over $100 but worth the cost. I do recommend purchasing them out of the store versus online because you can get help with sizing. Also, this particular shoe has a program that you can exchange them for a lifetime according to the Up and Running store which make this an even better investment. Look don’t take m word for it, you should try some on and see if they work for it.
The reason I decided to write this post is to help you realize that the equipment you use is more useful to your workout than you know. Equipment includes weights, accessories, clothing, and shoes. They type of shoes you purchase can cause injury or prevent injury and it shouldn’t be about the looks and price. According to Fitzgerald (2015), Ultimately, runners should look for two critical characteristics in any pair of shoes:
  1. The shoe feels good on your feet while running (if possible, buy a pair of shoes you know feel good or run a minute or two in them at the shoe store)
  2. The shoe fits – you feel smooth and often “forget” about your shoes because they’re not clunky or overly stressing your feet.

  So, no matter what shoes you choose, focus on fit and how they feel while you’re running. This will mean that you’ll try a lot of different pairs of shoes. Yes, it might be expensive. Yes, it might be time-consuming. But you’ll also figure out exactly what you like and what works best for you.
I am not getting kickback or payments for suggesting you purchase a particular shoe. Instead, I simply want to share a product that has helped me with my injuries. I am not completely cured and suffer from shin splints from time to time but these shoes have helped ease the pain while running long distance runs and I recommend you try them for yourself. If they do not work, try another brand and spare no cost because your wellness is what should matter most. Respond to this post and let me know what you think of this post. Also, if you know of a shoe brand that has helped you or you have other product suggestions, drop a comment.


Fitzgerald, J. (2015). 3 Reasons thy running shoes can prevent injuries and help you run faster.                 Retrieved from    

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Let's Become Pescetarians'

I consider myself a pescatarian on some days and a pollotarian (Pollo vegetarian) on others. Both are forms of vegetarianism but both include the consumption of a type of meat. The only type of fish I can tolerate is Tuna. I also eat all types of crabs and shrimp which is why I feel being pescatarian is best for me. With all of the cancerous cells and chemicals found in chicken and red meat, I decided to reframe from consuming them. I also had the desire of eating meat and although Morning Star creates great substitutes, they were not enough which I why I decided to include seafood into my daily diet. Did you know that eating less red meat and poultry will help you lose weight?

The number of calories in a 4ounce piece of meat is half of the total amount of calories you should consume in one meal which is why excluding it from your plate is ideal. Excluding the meat will also allow more room for more veggies and fruit. Eating a less than 2,000 calorie meals a day is ideal for people that workout and exercise often but it is hard to maintain that amount of food intake when you go to restaurants and one meal can range from 900 to 1,4000 calories alone. Try to reframe from eating out but if you do, order a salad with boiled / grilled shrimp or tuna. Reframe from drinking soft drinks or Decaffeinated / Caffeinated products with sugar added (even diet Soft drinks are not good). Bottled /Tap Water, Flavored O calorie water, or unsweetened coffee and tea is the only drinks we should order when dinning out or eating at home.

Pescatarian-based diets have been around for thousands of years. Populations living in Japan, other parts of Asia and Mediterranean countries like Greece have relied heavily on fish for protein and nutrient intake for generations. Fish and seafood are some of the healthiest sources of dietary protein and fatty acids in the world. 

7 Benefits of a Pescatarian Diet by Jillian Levy

1. Provides Omega-3 Fatty Acids
One of the primary reasons that fish is so good for us is because of its high levels of omega-3 fats.
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the type of omega-3 found in plant foods (like walnuts and flaxseeds), while eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the most important long-chain omega-3 fats found in seafood and some animal products like eggs or beef.
2. Helps Lower Inflammation
The reason that omega-3s found in fish are so valuable mostly comes down to their ability to fight inflammation. They help control inflammatory conditions that lead to numerous diseases, including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma.
Inflammation is the root of most diseases, and therefore, lowering its presence and severity makes us less likely to development diseases like cancer, cognitive decline and cardiovascular disease.
3. Improves Heart Health
Coronary heart disease is a result of inflammation mostly from fatty material that forms plaque accumulations within the walls of your arteries.
The combination of nutrients found in seafood also helps regulate heartbeats, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, decrease blood clot formation, lower triglycerides, and prevent a heart attack or stroke.
4. Can Lower the Risk for Cancer
Research shows that consuming more fish and seafood high in omega-3s benefits our immune system and helps fight cancer by suppressing inflammation.
That means anyone who focuses first and foremost on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables (not just limiting or reducing animal products) is likely to naturally lower the risk of cancer. In fact, while vegetarian diets are associated with an overall lower incidence of certain cancers (like colon cancer), pescatarians are even more protected from cancer compared with vegetarians and non-vegetarians, according to some studies.
5. Helps Fight Cognitive Decline
Omega-3s like DHA are essential for the proper development of the brain and preservation of cognitive function as we age.
Consuming lots of omega-3s in a pescatarian diet helps naturally treat Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders.
6. Improves Your Mood and Fights Depression
Because they fight oxidative stress that impairs proper brain functioning, omega-3s from fish and seafood are associated with better cognitive health and lower risk for dementia, depression, anxiety and ADHD. That means following a pescatarian diet can be a natural remedy for anxiety, treat the symptoms of ADHD and double as a form of the depression diet to deal with signs of depression.
7. Can Help with Weight Loss and Maintenance
Low intakes of omega-3s are now being tied to obesity and weight gain. Studies, of course, also show that people who eat more plant foods (including vegetarians) tend to have lower BMIs and better weight control, likely because they eat lower amounts of saturated fats and calories overall. Whether you choose to eat fish or not, your diet should take into account the need for plenty of whole plant foods.
Some vegetarians can find themselves eating more carbohydrates (especially refined carbs like bread, pasta, pizza, etc.) and a lower proportion of calories from healthy fats and protein. This can lead to blood sugar fluctuations, problems regulating insulin and overeating. Healthy proteins and fats are crucial for feeling full, and nutrients found in fish can help many people reduce cravings. No matter your diet, aim for a high intake of fruits, vegetables, quality proteins, healthy fats, seeds, nuts, fiber and phytochemicals — all of which can help you lose weight fast and keep it off.
Levy, J. (2015). Should You Try a Pescatarian Diet? Retrieved from

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Why Waist Trainers?

Hello Everyone,
Today I want to bring attention to a friend of mine that I feel is needed for completing all of my workouts. Her name is Waist Trainer. Do you have one also? If not, you’re probably asking yourself, what is the big deal with wearing a waist trainer or what is it exactly? To put it simple, it is nothing more than a corset that is worn around the waist in order to modify one’s waist into an hourglass shape. Today’s so-called corset isn’t tied tight with a string but is tighten by snaps in the front or Velcro. It can be adjusted without another person as well. So, what is the big deal? Well, its main purpose is to reduce the size of your waistline.
The benefits associated with wearing a waist trainer, includes:
-A smaller waistline and an overall thinner appearance
-Back support and posture control
-Abdominal support, which acts as a reminder for you to sit upright and to avoid over eating
The below pictures are a review of the best waist trainers that you can get right now but I don’t find them friendly for working out for long periods of time. I had the pink one and received burns on my stomach from chafing during a half marathon. I do not know what possessed me to wear one during that event when something similar happened before but I did.
I prefer the Golds Gym version that is no more than $11 I believe, and is sold at a cheap retail stores because they all serve its purpose by making you sweat around the abdomen. If you do not have a waist trainer, I suggest you try it because it is addictive. To be honest, purchasing these items is considered an investment to me. If you do purchase it, ensure you receive your return on investment by wearing it during the times that you know you are going to sweat the most.
Be smart when you wear them and listen to your body. Do not wear the trainer for long periods of time and be sure that you hydrate, loosen the trainer if you feel you cannot breathe. I am interested in hearing from you on this topic.
 How do you feel about them?

Watch my video to see how I really feel about wearing waste trainers: