Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Love Hate Relationship with ACV

Apple Cider Vinegar

     Do you drink Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) daily? If not, you should try it. I know it is completely nasty and shouldn’t be taken without water added or another form of liquid but the more potent the better to me. I love the energy it gives me and to be honest, the taste is the only thing that I hate about it. Guess that’s why they created the saying “No Pain, No Gain”. I only drink it as soon as I wake up one time a day and use the pill with my dinner. I feel the difference in my energy and appetite every time. I purchased the ACV 1500 mg of the pill on Amazon and started taking it 2 times a day at first and seen the same difference as when I was drinking it. Walmart provides the sales the pill also but it only has 450 mg. Many websites would say that the pill isn’t as effective but I beg to differ. I use the pill and have received the same results without the acid eating away at my enamel or having to fight the disgusting taste of the drink.

     No one really knows how ACV works but there are many testimonies and details of how people have loss weight in less than 30 days since the invention of the cocktail. Apparently, the drink suppresses appetites, increase metabolic rates, reduce water weight, and increase our well-being. Although it has been used for more than just weight loss (like hair conditioner/acne, warts, and skin blemish removal), it gained its popularity from creating weight loss and flat stomachs.

     We must remember that weight loss doesn’t appear overnight but if we continue the process, the weight loss would be permanent. It is not a quick process so if you are looking for a 1- or 2-day fix to your weight loss issues, this is not the product for you. Niall (2018), recommends that we only consume 4 ounces of ACV a day. She also suggests that as soon as we wake up and before dinner are the 2 best times to drink ACV. It is under $5 at almost any grocery store and although there are store brands of the liquid, I recommend comparing the contents and nutrition facts with the Bragg brand.

In fact, in my opinion, the best brand of ACV is the Bragg brand because it is all natural and use organic apples. Although it is natural, there are many cons to this product which include damage of enamel, decrease in potassium and lower glucose in blood, as well as causing confusion and dizziness for people that use other medications with it. If you are diabetic or taking medication, please contact your doctor to see if you are authorized to drink this solution.

Do you drink a cocktail that contain ACV? If not, do you plan on trying it? If you already drink it, what do it taste like and what is the recipe you use? Reply to this post and share your thoughts.


Niall, A. (2018). The Pros and Cons of Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss. Retrieved from         

Pischner, S. (2019). Student from Cornell University Cuts 37lbs On University Budget!                               Retrieved from              

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