Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Why Waist Trainers?

Hello Everyone,
Today I want to bring attention to a friend of mine that I feel is needed for completing all of my workouts. Her name is Waist Trainer. Do you have one also? If not, you’re probably asking yourself, what is the big deal with wearing a waist trainer or what is it exactly? To put it simple, it is nothing more than a corset that is worn around the waist in order to modify one’s waist into an hourglass shape. Today’s so-called corset isn’t tied tight with a string but is tighten by snaps in the front or Velcro. It can be adjusted without another person as well. So, what is the big deal? Well, its main purpose is to reduce the size of your waistline.
The benefits associated with wearing a waist trainer, includes:
-A smaller waistline and an overall thinner appearance
-Back support and posture control
-Abdominal support, which acts as a reminder for you to sit upright and to avoid over eating
The below pictures are a review of the best waist trainers that you can get right now but I don’t find them friendly for working out for long periods of time. I had the pink one and received burns on my stomach from chafing during a half marathon. I do not know what possessed me to wear one during that event when something similar happened before but I did.
I prefer the Golds Gym version that is no more than $11 I believe, and is sold at a cheap retail stores because they all serve its purpose by making you sweat around the abdomen. If you do not have a waist trainer, I suggest you try it because it is addictive. To be honest, purchasing these items is considered an investment to me. If you do purchase it, ensure you receive your return on investment by wearing it during the times that you know you are going to sweat the most.
Be smart when you wear them and listen to your body. Do not wear the trainer for long periods of time and be sure that you hydrate, loosen the trainer if you feel you cannot breathe. I am interested in hearing from you on this topic.
 How do you feel about them?

Watch my video to see how I really feel about wearing waste trainers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoQVUBpMRm0

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